Authoritative Information for Hospitals, Clinics, Rehabilitation Centers, Wellness Centers, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Academic Medical Centers, and more

Hospitals, Clinics, Same-day Surgery Centers, Academic Medical Centers, Research Centers, Centers of Excellence
Health facilities usually anchor the health tourism experience.
Hospitals and health facilities play a key role in the delivery of services, but few consumers or insurers choose health tourism suppliers starting with the facility. Without a strong brand, global recognition and something to differentiate it, the facility is simply the place where healthcare happens. Once inside the doors, clean, modern, accredited health facilities differentiate themselves through the specialists, surgeons, nursing staff, technological assets and clinical and patient satisfaction outcomes in consideration of the costs of the services rendered.

Thermalism, Balneology, Thalassotherapy, and Other Aquatic Therapy Centers
Water offers many healing and positive effects on the body or the mind.
Therapeutic thermal and mineral spas and resorts incorporate treatments centered on a broad array of hydrotherapies and traditional medicine preferred by many cultures around the world. These hydrotherapies have been developed over the years originating at hot springs, cold water springs, or other sources of such water, like the Dead Sea. The use of medicinal clays containing rich mineral sediments when coupled with massage, percussion, movement, relaxation or stimulation and patent medications, offer patients temporary relief from pain, stiffness, respiratory, dermatological and other chronic maladies.

Rehabilitation Centers
Rehabilitation centers offer special healthcare services that help a person regain physical, mental, and/or cognitive (thinking and learning) abilities that have been lost or impaired as a result of disease, injury, or addictions. Rehabilitation services help people focus on the hard work required to return to daily life among others lead a normal or near-normal lifestyle in the community. These services may include physical and occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, and psychiatric rehabilitation and addiction recovery services in a variety of inpatient and/or outpatient settings.
In terms of health tourism, length of stay may be measured in months rather than days at the destination.

Private Medical and Dental Clinics
Private medical and dental clinics can be privately-operated or publicly-managed and funded by entrepreneurial practitioners, integrated health delivery systems, and private equity investors, venture capital firms and hedge funds. In health tourism, physician-controlled group practices, hospital-based and academic medical center practices, physician practice management (PPM) companies, and publicly-funded, federally-qualified and community health centers may attempt to enter the medical and dental tourism marketplace.
Small, independent private clinics struggle to enter health tourism successfully without the support of health tourism cluster organizations because they lack the required capital to undertake the marketing, branding, and transactional infrastructure investment necessary to successfully penetrate the health tourism marketplace. As a result, many "wantrepreneurial" physicians and dentists with global market aspirations try unsuccessfully and then abandon the idea within a matter of months.
How We Work
The consultants of the Center for Health Tourism Strategy work on a prepaid, retained hourly basis under contract. Our simple, three-page based engagement agreement is personalized to your unique scope of work as an attachment. We offer a complimentary 15-minute introductory call to learn more about your matter. This helps us determine if we are qualified to assist you. If not, we may recommend another firm. We also perform a conflicts check prior to any engagement.
Please call us to learn more. +1 (800) 727.4160.