Preparing a New Generation of International Leaders for Healthcare Excellence

The rate of medical tourism growth is unlikely to stop or slow down any time soon.

If anything, competition will increase rapidly. Take the first step towards strategic implementation of programs in sustainable excellence and continual performance improvement. All our one day training workshops cover the following objectives:

  • To gain a basic understanding of medical tourism business and patient care operations 
  • To understand how medical tourism business can be implemented in your organization
  • To complete a simple readiness self-assessment of your organization to establish a baseline (external assessment is available in coordination with your workshop for an optional fee)
  • To help you structure a strategic plan, improvement plan or accreditation and certification survey preparation through your selected accrediting or certifying body



Choose the training programs you need to compete in medical tourism

Choose from the Following Workshops

Journey to Medical Tourism Excellence

Decide if medical tourism is right for your organization.  This workshop teaches you about the planing, launch and operations for medical tourism business and patient care excellence at your organization.  Learn about medical tourism marketing, branding, working with insurers and self-insured employers on contracted service agreements, accreditation and certification requirements, staffing, cultural and language issues, telehealth, medical records transfers, specialized patient travel planning, bundled services package pricing, and destination activities and hospitality coordination.  Learn about how medical tourism has been established and implemented in other organizations across more than 120 countries.  Learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

Contracting with international insurers and self-insured employers, labor unions and association health plans

This workshop teaches you about the planing, contracting and negotiation with third-party payment sources for healthcare service fees.  Learn about payer organizations and insurance companies, their objectives, tactics and what is important to them. You'll need this information when preparing your marketing and contracting proposals. Learn about how medical tourism paid by third-party payers has been established and implemented in other organizations throughout the world.  Applicable to US and international healthcare organizations.

Existing clients are awarded a 20% discount on all on-site training workshop fees. Travel expenses of instructor(s) are billed at actual cost in addition to workshop fees.

  • One-day Workshop: USD 3500 
  • Two-day Workshop: USD 5000
  • Executive level strategic planning session extension (same trip) USD 1500 / day
  • Remote Workshop via Skype - same fees apply
  • Baseline readiness assessment (in same visit as workshop): USD 2000 additional / per facility (not available with remote workshops)
  • Documented Baseline Readiness Assessment (Professionally-edited Video + Voice Over): USD 4500 additional

Workshop language:


Simultaneous translation services can be arranged (additional fee applies)


Training Options

If you have a group of people in one or more departments to be trained, we will deliver any of our training courses at your premises or our training centers, worldwide. This training formula is increasingly popular for several reasons:

  • You can determine the structure and objectives of the training in cooperation with the lead Faculty member to ensure that the course includes your organization's specific tools and methodologies or company specific examples or client agreements and contracts. We custom tailor the training to your specific needs.
  • Confidentiality: employees can discuss openly in the knowledge that competitors are not present
  • Greater flexibility on dates. In addition, timing and the agenda can be adapted to your needs.
  • Cost savings on course delivery can be up to 50% per person
  • Travel arrangements for your group can be arranged by our travel department without additional costs or surcharges enabling you to take advantage of our corporate travel agency's high-volume discounts of 10-60%.